It is swiftly 11:38 when I got into this cafe, a handful of guys playing dota some are shirtless, kinky and well given they're noisy. The reason why I came out this past hour is to scribble down everything that transpired on the past seven days of my 2013, it wasn't surreal nor interesting to ponder but definitely I need to break the ice in order to create a positive mindset- a new view point to focus on.

Idealism somewhat describes moi. Being tough and true to what my predicament is right now. I have great plans and great vision for myself. My family, a new job and my goal to launch my fashion blog on the coming months- all these have been my blab to mouth these days. Post-its and other types of recording it in order for me not to forget any of those, it is surreal to dream, like me who is fighting the world the alone, battling for an instance to exist.

My previous post have the details of my hiatus on fighting boils. But thanks God, I have had overcame it just this afternoon. The agony of the swells and the toughness to sleep at night was pretty scary. I've lost some few pounds as well. I'm sad- but I will definitely bounce back and will hit the gym as soon as my current situation's will be solved. It's a "balik alindog project" and I meant it!

My mind is in condition to let go. To forgive and forget since it's a start of a new year, I have to learn to consider  that there are other people who couldn't really grasp and understand the way we perceived it. Might be to us, it could have been therapeutic to share- to loosen up at times, be heard, but to the person who have a low level of understanding might be drastic to be taken. But it's fine. My life would suck with out 'em.

For now, the basic unit of my life is my faith in God and the beauty of my dreams. I have to live just the way I wanted my life to be.

To not to worry, be happy, feel good.

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