It has been said that memories are the only treasure that human beings can look back and it is the only thing that people can keep. It is either good or bad, memories made us who we are today. Regardless of its significance and how it did changed us for better or for worse. We only need to be glad on things that had happened, because whether we take delight on it- it still made a huge impact in our lives as  a person.

I am always grateful with my past, those hard and good times I have had. Truly, it has made me the person that I am today. I know it is too cliche to say it, but in reality our lives collide in such  a bizarre ways that we tend to cling on to.

Scrolling back the time, or should I say, riding back on this uninvented time machine I have gauge how huge is the impact of my past, those naivety and unsung heroes of my life. Shaping me up and molded me to be great and be grateful in everything  I have been through. I have been blabbing this topic  on this blog, but truly, the best topic for me is when I scoured through those memories hidden inside my mind and once again reminisce it, is such an enjoyable yet heartbreaking at times.

My existence has only strengthen by enjoying my life and once again removing grudges I have kept all through the years, instead of bragging I have shifted my mind on beautiful and meaningful things that may give me great lesson and enjoyment.

Now I'm ma-ma, no longer the totoy my friends knew, I can see great changes. And I am doing things to even make my dreams into reality.

I'm a big guy now man!

Mahal ko buhay ko. Thanks God for the grace of gratefulness!

Not the Totoy You used to know

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