Of love and lust these two can be an opponent for each other. It isn't easy to make these two works together as love is pure and simple whilst lust is vulgar and expressive. You got to understand that these two have something in common, and that is they're both characters who can either make or break you.

These two can be encompassing or irritating. Some says lust is bolder than love, it could ruin friendship, destroys lives and even wreck the whole world up. Remember the Sodom and Gomorra? Well, I bet there's a bit of in-relation to it. Whilst love is something that everyone tries to search, tries to hunt down. But not everyone finds it.

I have been thinking about some circumstances that turned me off, pruned me to grow and even have tested my self-confidence to be able to ascertain myself, that I am in a good side of what we called life. Positive vibes or whatever they maybe calling it. I can't deny that I was shattered by some tormenting soul eating trials these past few days, there has been some impact of it inside me, I'm questioning my composure, my being so optimistically drive lad. It's a roller coaster ride baby.

"A forced to be reckoned with" as some people said about  me. Blunt yet soft-spoken, honest but controlled, a nurturer and a good friend to be with, well of all these superlatives and the blah blah blah it brought to me, to make me feel good once more is kind of  a hands-off. It's not really helping me that much, in due time I know will bounce back. I was just taken aback on last Tuesday's event. I got myself screwed and felt my knees were weak enough to stride it off myself. Crashed out like ice, bullied like a fugitive caught off-guard stealing, or should I say I felt like Jesus Christ being hanged and got himself humiliated for saving our sins. That must be one of a drastic and rueful description to beat.

That experience will surely be a marked down for me on trusting strangers about my personal life and so on.

In due time everything's gonna get better. Everything will be fine. Thanks heaven for reassuring me.

The rants and raves of the unbeaten

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