Sitting, facing the monitor. It is a busy and such a hectic day for you a thought that enveloped your mind. Bag that is full of papers, reports and things to do, worst is you needed to finish it today. Looking so cramming and preoccupied yet you still find the time to wave your right hand to your friend along the street. And a little hello's transpired.

The train is full of passengers and cramming up to go to their offices, you've hated the idea of inserting yourself in the midst of this crowd to ride, you want somehow to be at ease and relax while riding and not fitting in like a sardinas in a can. But you don't have a choice, instead of waiting for another train you opted to ride in and so to speak you ain't got a choice but to insert. Some people were complaining about the tightness of the train, seats are occupied by people who poker faced, staring at nothing.

The thought inside your mind keeps on flashing back and forth. You've tried to skip a beat to blanch it out but the more you pushed yourself to forget it, the more boggling it would become. "I won't give up."The only thought that was conjured inside your mind. You were trying to shift your attention on a busy street in Central station, thought of how crowded Qiuapo is, encapsulated by frustration, you didn't noticed that you needed to go down on the second train stop, if not because of a message tone.

Sleepy and grumpy, you raced yourself with lots of people wanting to insert their  magnetic card just to get out first. Hurriedly, you found it hard to insert it. And people at your back were ranting, composing yourself you tried it again and this time it got through. Slightly mediocre to think of - but no one else would  be great if they never experienced such dumbness as you have experienced a blinked ago. Smirking, the thought came out of your mind on people's reactions whilst you weren't  able to insert your magnetic card correctly. It was a dumb idea perhaps. A cackle breaks the monotony.

You put your things on the table in a close handed gesture,  you thought of your boy friend's unfaithfulness last night. Caught him on the  act of fucking someone was such a dire feeling to fathom. The guy that is "everything" to you  was able to do such unfaithfulness to you. Knowing that you've given him everything, food, shelter and even money.  Tears were falling  unstoppably. You've raised your hand to reach for a tissue when your nose suddenly bubbled up. You've bow down your head and reach for the tissue as if your workmates didn't see the that.

What a day to start huh?

Oh with your stare, I can conjure

Posted on


  1. "you thought of your boy friend's unfaithfulness last night. Caught him on the act of fucking someone was such a dire feeling to fathom. "

    It was indeed a devastating sight.

    I hope you ditched him for good.

  2. JM- it seems hard to ditched someone that has been inked inside.


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